Monday, March 18, 2013

Interview with Albert Einstein

Kae's Spirit Cafe Interview with Albert Einstein

 March 14, 2014. Updated

Short Bio on Kae Schreiber-Medium. I am an Intuitive Medium, Direct Channel working with clients in Spiritual Counseling. In the process of counseling clients I've often wondered about the most influential people in history and what they have learned or left for us to benefit from energetically. 

It is said that when we die we leave with LOVE, WISDOM and REGRETS.You will know when you read this if the information they gift me with is something that resonates with you as being true statements, that I am able to tune into a frequency to receive images, hear words and feel messages. I always ask that what I receive be for the highest good of all. 

Kae's SPIRIT CAFE is a sacred place beyond time and space where we relax, have a latte, enjoy warm, friendly chats with those in spirit, who share their wisdom learned from Soul School. I will ask scientists, doctors, authors, artists, politicians, philosophers,presidents, spiritual leaders, etc what they know now from a higher perspective and want to share. 

All channeling is done in an atmosphere of love and light. Spirit conversations come on the winds of peace, joy, and love. It's our heart connection that is  the conduit to Spirit. The people I've chosen to chat with are those I admire or feel a close connection to them or their work on the planet.

I believe their energy is still present and their wisdom and guidance still relevant. To me it works the way the energy of a friend is with you always waiting for you to think of them to make a holographic memory made manifest. 

I'm paraphrasing ALBERT EINSTEIN who stated "Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only change form. The physical body of a person may die but their energy changes forms and remains along with the wisdom stored in the collective unconscious. 

The format will be that I as a Medium will ask the question and enter the response. I don't edit as I am the transmitter who sees,hears and feels energy and tells you what I receive from Spirit. We only have to ask and we shall receive with an open heart. I know my intention is to bring forth celestial wisdom and give voice to those who are still influencing us. 

Today I'm communicating with Albert Einstein, a German born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of Relativity, effecting a revolution in physics.

Q.Medium: What are you doing today? A." I'm playing the violin, which always brought me happiness". Q.Medium: What can you tell us that only you and people close to you would know?A." I was very ticklish and I loved peanuts".

 Q.Medium:What are your thoughts on the developments in physics today?A."I am so proud of those thinking outside the box. Answers can only come when you ask big questions".Medium: What are they close to finding out with their investigations?A."I was wrong. There are more dimensions than time and space. My thnking was limited." Medium:Can you name other dimensions? A."Yes, the dimension of knowing. Inside the brain from what I see now, there are portals that lead to unimaginable worlds". 

Medium : I see an image of Albert in a timy spaceship inside of a brain as if he were exploring another planet.  Medium: It feels like he is being guided in his exploration by his intuition. If it feels like he needs to turn left, he translates this feeling into thought and it happens. A combination of thinking and feeling happening simultaneously.Much the way a flock of birds turn or a group of fish move.

Medium: Why are you doing this? A. "Because there is much to know and I've always been one to explore where others dare not go."" I am working with a team of scientists, a relay of sorts. They ask the questions and I  drop hints during dream time. It's actually quite fun"" In one and a half years, science will make contact with a thought form that will revoluntionize science and the way experiments are being conducted. The mind holds the answers when coordinated with the knowingness of the heart. Physicists must expand the way they look at the world. "I'm telling you it isn't static".

Q.Medium: What do you see as the solution to war on the planet?Where do you see science heading? 

A."The answer is to pluck out hatred and superiority from your hearts. When mankind has a peaceful heart only then can peace reign. Peace begins in the school yard when tolerances can be encouraged and expanded."  War is the result of inharmony. Peace can only be restored when the collective decides it wants to get along, rather than endure strife. It is happening now as the as the people rise up against tyranny. Lay down your arms and return to your plowshares.The youth of today must believe in something greater than themselves, a vision of a world living in harmony. Only a petty mind full of corruption and greed can destroy a complacent populace.Never give your power away to bullies".

A"As far as science, there is a revolution underway. That which has remained underground will be brought forth with new eyes to see. There was more to my little Caterpillar than met the eye" 

There will be more of this interview to follow...I invite you to send in questions you would like answered and I will ask. I am always in awe of the answers I receive. 

Thank you and keep tuning in to Kae's "Spirit Cafe". 

Thank You. 
Kae Schreiber 

Posted on: 2013-03-18 02:01:55. Comments

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